Ray’s Ramblings 1-19-24

The patterns of life and the routines of our day form the framework within which we operate. It’s these habitual thought patterns and the repetitive responses to the world around us that can either propel us forward or keep us stagnant. Sometimes, we become so fixed on a certain way of thinking, behaving, and reacting to the world around us that we lose sight of the possibilities that exist beyond our comfort zones. It’s important to break free from these patterns, to think outside the box, and to create new and more positive routines. By doing so, we can become the navigators of our own lives instead of simply being passengers, allowing ourselves the freedom to explore new paths and embrace change.

While comfort zones can provide a sense of security, they also have the potential to restrict our growth and hinder us from making better choices in our lives. By consciously stepping out of our comfort zones, we open ourselves up to new experiences, opportunities, and perspectives. This can lead to personal growth, increased resilience, and a greater capacity for handling change. It’s a powerful reminder that true growth often occurs outside of our comfort zones, where we have the opportunity to challenge ourselves, learn new skills, and ultimately, lead more fulfilling lives.

The comfort zone is a place where we often find ourselves feeling safe and secure. It’s human nature to seek out comfort and familiarity, but sometimes, staying in this zone can lead to allowing others to exert too much influence over our lives. Our emotions, decisions, and even the direction of our lives can be subtly shaped by the external forces at play. In this state, it’s easy to drift along, making choices with minimal effort and simply going with the flow. However, breaking free from this pattern can empower us to seize control and steer our lives in the direction we desire. It’s essential to grasp the helm and take charge, for ultimately, it is our life to live. Embracing this mindset enables us to strive towards becoming the best version of ourselves. With only one life to live, it’s crucial not to squander precious moments, but instead to savor and make the most of every opportunity that comes our way.

Patterns of life and routines of the day are foundational to how we navigate our existence. It’s essential to recognize the significance of our thoughts and responses to the world around us. Instead of fixating on one way of doing things or thinking, it’s empowering to seek out new ways to interact with the world we live in. Embracing a free-spirited approach allows us to carve our own unique path in life, one that is authentically ours. This journey of self-discovery and intentional living is an ongoing process, ripe with opportunities for growth and personal development. Let’s embrace the ever-unfolding tapestry of life with curiosity and an open heart.

Media Polarization and Its Impact on Society: A Growing Concern

The political polarization of news media, social media, and other influential media in the Western world has led to significant division among the population. The unfortunate spread of conspiracy theories, politically motivated hate, and fear only exacerbates the erosion of our society’s fabric. The political landscape is rife with rhetoric and conspiracy theories that are propagated by individuals for their own benefit. Regardless of which political party you may support or identify as you are being affected by these narratives that are disseminated through various media channels.

The Pew Research Center has conducted extensive research on media polarization and its impact on society. According to their findings, political polarization is a growing concern in the United States. The study found that media outlets play a significant role in shaping public opinion and that social media has contributed to the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories.

The New York Times reports that the use of fear and the creation of a common enemy are common tactics employed by political figures to manipulate public opinion. This is reminiscent of cult leaders who use similar tactics to control their followers.

It is important to recognize that we are all susceptible to these tactics, regardless of our political affiliation. By being aware of these manipulative tactics, we can better understand how they work and take steps to protect ourselves from their influence.

In conclusion, it is crucial to be mindful of the information we consume and the sources from which it comes. We must be vigilant in our efforts to seek out accurate information and avoid being swayed by manipulative rhetoric. Only then can we hope to bridge the divide that has been created by political polarization.

Eve Online: My Experience thus far

Recently I ran across an online Game Called Eve online, it has been around for quite some time from what I have read, and it seems to be a pretty entertaining game thus far. They have those in the community that are helpful, instructive, and good-hearted for the most part. There are of course those that are not very friendly, some are downright trolls and hostile. It takes all types to make a good gaming community, and Eve Online has a good mix of people and personalities which makes it a nice gaming experience.

I found myself interested in EVE Online because it reminds me of a DOS-based door game I used to play back in the dawn of computers. Back in the days of dial-up modems and bulletin board systems, there was a text-based game called Trade Wars. There are many similarities between Trade Wars and EVE Online in the structure of the gameplay, but EVE Online is much better due to being a graphical game.

EVE Online is known for its unique features and gameplay. Here are some of the most notable ones:

  • Open-world sandbox gameplay: EVE Online is an open-world sandbox game that allows players to explore a vast universe with over 5,000 star systems. Players can engage in a wide range of activities such as mining, trading, manufacturing, exploration, and combat.
  • Player-driven economy: EVE Online has a player-driven economy that is entirely based on supply and demand⁴. Players can trade goods and services with each other using the in-game currency called ISK.
  • Persistent universe: The game’s universe is persistent, meaning that it continues to exist even when players log off. This allows for complex political and economic systems to emerge within the game.
  • Skill-based progression system: EVE Online has a unique skill-based progression system that allows players to train skills in real-time even when they are not playing the game. This means that players can specialize in specific areas of the game without having to grind for experience points.
  • Player-created content: EVE Online has a strong emphasis on player-created content. Players can create their own corporations, and alliances, and even run for political office within the game. This allows for a high degree of player agency and creativity within the game.

The EVE Online community is known for being one of the most dedicated and passionate gaming communities out there. The game’s open-world sandbox gameplay and player-driven economy have created a unique environment that fosters cooperation, competition, and creativity. Players can join corporations and alliances, run for political office, and engage in complex political and economic systems within the game. While there are certainly some trolls and hostile players within the community, the vast majority of players are helpful, instructive, and good-hearted. This mix of people and personalities makes EVE Online a truly unique gaming experience.

If you’re looking for a unique and immersive gaming experience, then EVE Online is definitely worth checking out. The game’s open-world sandbox gameplay and player-driven economy create a dynamic and ever-changing universe that is unlike anything else out there. Whether you’re interested in mining, trading, manufacturing, exploration, or combat, there is something for everyone in EVE Online. The game’s skill-based progression system allows players to specialize in specific areas of the game without having to grind for experience points. And with a dedicated and passionate community of players, there is always something new to discover and explore within the game. So if you’re looking for a truly unique gaming experience that will keep you engaged and entertained for hours on end, then EVE Online is definitely worth checking out.

How to Share Your Music with the World Using Creative Commons Licenses

Hello, my friends. Today I want to talk to you about something that is very close to my heart: music. Music is a universal language that can touch our souls, inspire our minds, and heal our wounds. Music is also a gift that we can share with others, and one way to do that is by using Creative Commons licenses.

Creative Commons (CC) is a wonderful organization that helps creators like you and me to share our work with the world without giving up our rights or our credit. CC licenses are like a menu of options that you can choose from to decide how you want your music to be used by others. For example, you can allow people to copy, distribute, remix, or sample your songs for free, as long as they give you credit and follow your rules¹². You can also choose whether you want to let people use your music for commercial purposes or not, and whether you want them to share their new creations under the same license or not.

Using CC licenses can benefit you as a musician in many ways. You can reach more people with your music, get more exposure, and connect with other artists who share your vision. You can also be part of a growing community of legal music that anyone can access and use for their own projects. You can find CC-licensed music on many platforms, such as ccMixter, Free Music Archive, Jamendo, Magnatune, Fugue Music, BeatPick, CASH Music, SectionZ, Opsound, Podsafe Audio, AudioFarm, and Internet Archive’s Netlabels Collection.

You might be surprised to know that many famous artists and media outlets use CC licenses for their music, such as Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Beastie Boys, Girl Talk, The White Stripes, The Guardian, NPR, PBS, TEDx, and YouTube. These examples show how CC licenses can foster a culture of collaboration and innovation in the music industry.

CC licenses are not only for big names but also for emerging talents like you. Kellee Maize is an independent female rapper who used CC licenses to encourage the public to remix her music without asking for permission every time. She has gained over 6 million downloads and 600 remixes of her songs.

CC licenses are a powerful tool for musicians who want to share their work with the world and make a difference. By using CC licenses, you can create a digital commons of music that can be enjoyed, shared, and transformed by anyone, within the limits of the law.

I hope this article has inspired you to consider using CC licenses for your music. If you want to learn more about CC licenses and how to choose one for your work, you can visit their website at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/. Remember, music is a gift that we can share with others. Let’s make the world a better place with our music.

Peace be with you all.

A House Divided: The Challenges and Struggles of Everyday Americans

Instead of feeding the hungry, spending money on war and foreign policy is prioritized. Instead of fixing the border and creating a fair immigration policy, politics is valued. Money flows to the coffers of big businesses, corporations, and foreign countries while some in Congress want to slash funding for programs that assist people in need at home. Policies to safeguard the citizens are stalled by party politics and political rhetoric dominates the news cycle on both sides. Too many seek their moment on the camera and in the political spotlight due to the upcoming election cycle. Neither side is ready to compromise in order to get things done, they rather cling to their party lines, agendas, and the desires of their base than do what is right for all of the people.

Many veterans, the elderly, and other citizens face daily challenges to maintain shelter, food, and bills while coping with rising inflationary prices. Many are jobless due to their location, age, and/or health. There is also the fact that higher education now costs most Americans more than it would to purchase a house. I really think the senior politicians in Congress have become disconnected from everyday American citizens and their struggles. I am worried they have gone astray and forgotten why they became politicians and why they were elected into office.

Both parties are shifting, becoming more radical, and the once moderating and dominant moderate politicians in both parties have either vanished or chosen to remain silent or inactive. Those that used to bridge the party lines and forge compromise in order to get policies and work done seem to no longer exist or they are just so overwhelmed by the extreme elements in both parties. Everything is getting personal in politics, and everything on the news and on social media is becoming political. If we do not find a way to restore things to working order, the hostile nations out there will exploit this disorder and our country will pay the price for that fact.

When both parties drop all the partisan politics and the rhetoric, they can accomplish some great policy-making. When things run smoothly, our country can surmount almost any kind of tragedy or challenge before it. We need to pull ourselves together politically and socially and cooperate towards a better future for our country and the world as well. I leave you (The politicians) with these little words of wisdom, A house divided upon itself is doomed to fall.

How Vitamin A Can Boost Your Lung Health and Fight COPD

Vitamin A: A Friend of Your Lungs

If you are living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you know how hard it can be to breathe. Your lungs may have suffered damage and inflammation from cigarette smoke or other irritants. You may be looking for natural ways to heal your lungs and improve your breathing. One nutrient that may help you do that is vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that has many benefits for your body. Vitamin A helps your immune system, vision, reproduction, and cell communication. It also helps your heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs work well.

Why Vitamin A Matters for Your Lungs

Vitamin A is essential for your lung health. Your lungs need vitamin A to grow new cells and tissues, especially when you are developing in the womb and as a child. Vitamin A also helps your lungs fight off infections and inflammation by controlling the immune system and the production of mucus.

However, many things can lower your vitamin A levels, such as cigarette smoking, the main cause of COPD. Cigarette smoke contains a harmful substance called benzopyrene, which blocks the absorption of vitamin A in your body. This can lead to vitamin A deficiency (VAD), which can harm your lung function and increase your risk of respiratory diseases.

How can you tell if you have VAD? Some of the signs and symptoms include:

  • Night blindness
  • Dry eyes
  • Dry skin
  • Increased susceptibility to infections
  • Poor wound healing
  • Growth retardation in children

A moderate VAD can cause changes in the lining of your lungs, such as loss of hair-like structures called cilia, an increase of mucus-producing cells called goblet cells, and a change of cell type called squamous metaplasia. These changes make it harder for your lungs to work normally and protect you from infections. A severe VAD can also affect the structure and composition of the tissue that supports your lungs, called the extracellular matrix. This can result in the thickening of the membrane that surrounds the air sacs in your lungs, called the alveolar basement membrane, and abnormal deposition of a protein called collagen I. These changes reduce the ability of your lungs to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.

How Much Vitamin A Do You Need?

The amount of vitamin A you need depends on your age, sex, and health status. For adults, the recommended amount is 900 micrograms (mcg) for men and 700 mcg for women. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need more vitamin A to support their babies’ growth and development. However, too much vitamin A can be toxic and cause liver damage, birth defects, and other problems. The maximum amount you can take without risking harm is 3000 mcg for adults.

You can get vitamin A from animal sources, such as liver, eggs, cheese, and butter. These foods contain ready-made vitamin A, which is easy for your body to use. You can also get vitamin A from plant sources, such as carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, and kale. These foods contain substances called provitamin A carotenoids, which need to be changed into active vitamin A in your body. The rate of this change depends on several factors, such as your genes, dietary fat intake, and other nutrients.

Can Vitamin A Supplements Help With COPD?

There is some evidence that taking vitamin A supplements may help heal your lung tissue if you have COPD. Some studies have found that vitamin A supplementation may improve lung function or reduce the risk of COPD flare-ups in people with low vitamin A levels. For example, a study published in Nutrients found that VAD mice had reduced air sac surface area and increased collagen deposition in their lungs compared to normal mice. However, when VAD mice were given retinoic acid (RA), a form of vitamin A, their lung structure and function was restored.

However, other studies have found no benefit or even harmful effects of vitamin A supplementation in people with normal or high vitamin A levels. Therefore, more research is needed to find out the best dose and duration of vitamin A supplementation for people with COPD.

The best way to make sure you get enough vitamin A is to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from different food groups. If you have COPD, you may also benefit from following a meal plan that meets your nutritional needs and helps you breathe easier. You can talk to a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) who specializes in COPD to create a personalized diet plan for you. You can also ask your doctor before taking any supplements or making any changes to your diet.


Vitamin A is an important nutrient for your overall health and especially for your lungs.

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Save Money and Boost Your Music Skills With These Amazing Free Online Resources

Being a musician can be costly and difficult. You have to buy instruments, gear, software, books, and more. You have to practice, learn new things, find gigs, promote your music, and network with other musicians. You have to invest a lot of time, money, and energy into your music career.

But what if you could do all of these things for free? That’s right, there are tons of free online resources that can help you improve your music skills, learn new songs, create your own music, and connect with other musicians. In this article, we will show you some of the best free online resources that every musician should know about.

Learn From the Pros for Free

One of the best ways to improve your music skills is to learn from the pros. There are many professional music instructors who share their knowledge and expertise online for free. You can find free online lessons and tutorials for any instrument, genre, or skill level on platforms like YouTube, Udemy, Skillshare, and Coursera.

For example, you can learn how to play guitar from Guitar Tricks, which has over 11,000 videos that teach you how to play guitar in any style and technique. You can learn how to play piano from Pianote, which has a comprehensive piano learning system that guides you from beginner to advanced levels with feedback and support. You can learn how to sing better from Singing Success, which has tips and exercises that teach you how to sing better with professional vocal coaches. You can also learn how to produce music from Berklee Online, which has courses that teach you how to produce music using popular software like Ableton Live, Logic Pro X, Pro Tools, and more.

Master Music Theory for Free

Music theory is the language of music. It helps you understand how music works, how to write your own songs, and how to communicate with other musicians. Music theory can seem complicated and boring, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many online tools and resources that can help you learn music theory in a fun and interactive way.

For example, you can learn the basics of music theory from Ableton Learning Music, which teaches you how to make melodies, chords, basslines, beats, and song arrangements. You can also learn about intervals, scales, chords, harmony, rhythm, notation, and more from Musictheory.net, which has lessons, exercises, and tools for learning music theory. You can also train your ear for music from Tone Gym, which helps you identify intervals, scales, chords, progressions, and rhythms by sound alone.

Access Sheet Music for Free

Sheet music is a written representation of music that shows you the notes, rhythms, chords, and symbols of a song. Sheet music can help you learn new songs, improve your sight-reading skills, or perform with other musicians. However, sheet music can also be expensive or hard to find. Luckily, there are some websites that offer free access to sheet music for various instruments and genres.

For example, you can find over 170,000 public domain sheet music files for classical music from IMSLP. You can also create, play, print, and share your own sheet music using MuseScore, a free notation software. You can also find free printable sheet music for elementary school students from Making Music Fun.

Connect With Other Musicians for Free

Music is not only a solo activity. It can also be a social one. Playing music with other musicians can help you improve your skills, get feedback, find opportunities, and have fun. There are many online platforms that can help you connect with other musicians for free.

For example, you can find and book gigs from Gigsalad, a platform that connects party planners with talent. You can also share your music, tour dates, and news directly with your fans using BandApp, a free app for musicians. You can also connect with industry professionals and showcase your music using Music Gorilla, a platform that helps artists get exposure and opportunities.


As you can see, there are many free online resources that can help you save money and boost your music skills. You can learn from the pros, master music theory, access sheet music, and connect with other musicians for free. All you need is an internet connection and a passion for music. So what are you waiting for? Start exploring these free online resources today and take your music career to the next level.

The Healing Power of Music: Recent Studies on Music Therapy and its Benefits

Music has been an integral part of human existence since ancient times. It has the power to inspire, soothe, and heal, and has been known for centuries for its therapeutic properties. Recent scientific studies have further explored the healing properties of music, uncovering its ability to alleviate both physical and mental health problems. These findings have led to the emergence of music therapy, a field that uses music as a therapeutic tool to enhance the quality of life of individuals.

One recent study, published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, examined the relationship between music and pain relief. The researchers discovered that listening to music for just an hour each day can significantly reduce chronic pain. Participants reported a 21% decrease in pain levels, and the need for pain medication was reduced as well.

Another study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, focused on the effectiveness of music therapy as a treatment for depression. A meta-analysis of 7 randomized controlled trials with 421 participants found that music therapy significantly reduced symptoms of depression compared to standard care.

The healing power of music extends to those living with dementia as well. A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease demonstrated that music therapy can improve the cognitive function, mood, and behavior of individuals with dementia. Participants who received music therapy reported better memory, cognitive function, and overall quality of life, with less agitation and aggression.

Anxiety is a common mental health issue, and studies have shown that music therapy can be an effective treatment for it. Research published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed that music therapy reduced anxiety in patients undergoing medical procedures. Similarly, a study published in the Journal of Music Therapy found that music therapy reduced anxiety levels in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder.

Music therapy has also been shown to be a powerful tool in stroke rehabilitation. The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry published a study that revealed that music therapy improved motor function and reduced depression in stroke patients. Participants who received music therapy demonstrated better motor function, improved mood, and decreased levels of depression compared to those who received standard care.

In conclusion, scientific studies have shown that music has the power to heal and soothe, with music therapy emerging as a promising new field of medicine. The ability of music to enhance physical and mental health is now more evident than ever before. It is a powerful tool that can help individuals lead happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

Discover the Joy of Diverse and Original Music with Creative Commons Licenses

As someone who appreciates the value of music in our lives, I’m excited to share with you the benefits of using Creative Commons licensed music. Being a music lover and hobbyist DJ of several online radio stations and a loop-based music artist, let me express my passion for music and how it can enhance our experiences.

Music has a unique power to evoke emotions, bring people together, and inspire us to create. It can be a tool for healing, a means of self-expression, and a source of joy. However, not all music is created equal. The music industry is dominated by major record labels, which often prioritize profit over artistic integrity. This has led to a homogenization of music, where many popular songs sound the same and lack originality.

But there is an alternative: Creative Commons licensed music. Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that provides free, legal tools for creators to share their work with the world. Creative Commons licenses allow musicians to give permission for others to use their music under certain conditions, such as attribution or non-commercial use.

By using Creative Commons licensed music, you can support independent musicians who are creating original and diverse music that may not be found on mainstream platforms. This music is often a reflection of the artist’s unique perspective, culture, and experiences, and can be a refreshing change from the same old songs on the radio.

Additionally, Creative Commons licensed music can be used for a variety of purposes, such as background music for videos or podcasts, music for events or performances, or even as inspiration for your own creative projects. The licenses make it easy to find and use music legally and ethically, without worrying about copyright infringement.

So, how can you find Creative Commons licensed music? There are many websites that specialize in providing free and legal music, such as Jamendo, Free Music Archive, and ccMixter. These sites allow you to browse and download music by genre, mood, and license type, making it easy to find the perfect track for your needs.

In conclusion, using Creative Commons licensed music is a win-win situation. You can support independent musicians, enjoy original and diverse music, and use it legally and ethically for your own projects. So why not give it a try? Explore the world of Creative Commons music and discover the joy of music that truly reflects the diversity of the human experience.

How to Improve Your Blog Writing Skills for Free

Writing is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced blogger, you can always benefit from some free resources that will help you hone your craft and reach more readers.

In this post, I will share with you some of the best free resources that I have found online for improving your blog writing skills. These resources cover various aspects of writing, such as grammar, punctuation, structure, style, and content. They also offer different formats, such as courses, articles, blogs, podcasts, and tools.

I hope you will find these resources useful and inspiring. Let’s get started!

  1. Coursera

Coursera is a platform that offers free online courses from top universities and organizations. You can find courses on various topics, including writing. Some of the courses that I recommend are:

  • Writing for Social Media: This course will teach you how to write engaging and effective posts for different social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Writing in the Sciences: This course will help you write clear and concise scientific papers, reports, and proposals.
  • Writing for Young Readers: This course will guide you through the process of writing a children’s book, from generating ideas to publishing.

You can enroll in these courses for free and learn at your own pace. You can also earn certificates if you pay a small fee.

  1. MIT Open Courseware

MIT Open Courseware is a website that provides free access to course materials from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. You can find materials on various subjects, including writing. Some of the materials that I recommend are:

  • Writing and Reading Short Stories: This course will help you develop your skills in writing and analyzing short stories.
  • Writing About Literature: This course will teach you how to write essays and reviews about literary works.
  • Writing and Reading Poems: This course will introduce you to the craft and appreciation of poetry.

You can download these materials for free and use them for self-study or reference.

  1. Writing Commons

Writing Commons is a website that provides free resources for college-level writers. You can find articles on various topics, such as:

  • Grammar: This section covers the rules and conventions of grammar, such as nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, etc.
  • Punctuation: This section covers the use and misuse of punctuation marks, such as commas, periods, semicolons, colons, etc.
  • Style: This section covers the elements of style, such as tone, voice, word choice, sentence variety, etc.

You can browse these articles for free and learn from the examples and exercises.

  1. Merriam-Webster Online

Merriam-Webster Online is a website that provides free access to dictionaries and thesauruses. You can use these tools to:

  • Check the spelling and meaning of words
  • Find synonyms and antonyms for words
  • Learn new words and expand your vocabulary
  • Play word games and quizzes

You can also subscribe to their newsletter and podcast to receive daily word tips and trivia.

  1. Poynter’s News University

Poynter’s News University is a website that offers free or low-cost courses for journalists and writers. You can find courses on various topics, such as:

  • Writer’s Workbench: 50 Tools You Can Use: This course will teach you 50 practical tools that will help you improve your writing skills and productivity.
  • How to Write Better Headlines: This course will teach you how to write catchy and informative headlines that will attract readers’ attention.
  • How to Write Opinion Pieces: This course will teach you how to write persuasive and compelling opinion pieces that will influence readers’ views.

You can enroll in these courses for free or pay a small fee for certificates.

These are some of the free resources that I have found helpful for improving my blog writing skills. I hope you will find them helpful too. Remember, writing is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice. So keep writing and keep learning!

What are some other free resources that you use or recommend for improving your blog writing skills? Share them in the comments below!